Ethnic Russians in Ukraine
The Ukrainian government needs the help of the OSCE. Alone, he can’t win. Then, the OSCE Permanent Council decided to extend the mandate of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine for a further six months. Maybe, the SMM will be able to continue to play its crucial role in assisting Ukraine in de-escalating measures.
57 States
participating States work together in the mission. They support financially and
in terms of personnel. This consensus indicates that the scope for a
co-operative solution to the Ukraine crisis persists among the 57 participating
States even under the current challenging circumstances.
mandate of the Special Monitoring Mission and the deployment of monitors to East
Ukrainia remain unchanged. The mission’s aim is to contribute to reducing
tensions and fostering peace, stability and security. Its mandate comprises
tasks such as gathering information, reporting on the security situation as
well as establishing and reporting facts regarding incidents, including those
concerning alleged violations of fundamental OSCE principles and commitments. It must watch the human rights situation
including the rights of minorities.
Minorities: Ethnic Russians
Ethnic Russians are one
of those minorities. They live throughout Ukraine. They comprise a
notable fraction of the overall population in the west, a significant minority
in the center, and larger minority in the East and south.
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