Free primary healthcare for illegal immigrants
Illegal immigrants living in Spain will once again have the right to free primary healthcare with a general practitioner (GP), after losing access in 2012.Undocumented residents will not be getting their health cards back, however. Health Minister Alfonso Alonso said the Popular Party (PP) government has decided to backtrack on its earlier decision “for public health reasons,” because it is “more practical” and “in order to not saturate the emergency services.” Under the health reform of 2012, free access to all public health services was taken away for illegal immigrants. Instead, general care was restricted to minors and pregnant women, although any migrant could still visit a hospital’s emergency room in the event of an accident or if they had an infectious disease. “We see it very clearly now, and we are working on it,” said the minister in an interview with Efe news agency. “It makes no sense for them not to be seen in primary care.” The decision attracted strong cri...